Posted in Fish

Fish tanks

20 gallon long planted, Black Diamond blasting sand
Ember tetras, Rasboras, Panda Corydoras, Ghost shrimp, 1 bamboo shrimp, Nerite snails, pond snails
Refigium on the back of 20 gallon long
Pothos, Peace Lily, Lucky Bamboo
10 Gallon planted
Koi Betta, German Blue Ram, Bristlenose Pleco, Nerite snail
Divided 10 gallon future shrimp tank
Currently no inhabitants
10 Gallon Cherry Shrimp tank. Planted
5.5 Gallon planted
King Betta, Nerite snail
5 gallon planted
Betta Plakat
20 Gallon Long Planted
Platies, Bristlenose Pleco
20 Gallon Long planted
Endler’s Livebearers, Guppies, 2 German Blue Rams, 2 Flying Fox, 1 Bristlenose Pleco
Posted in Fish


20 Gallon long tank fully planted.

Substrate is Black Diamond blasting sand
Has an Aqua clear filter and a 100 watt heater
Has two external refugiums. One planted and lit with LEDs
The main tank is lit with an Aqueon Modular LED with two bright white and one color enhancing
Dragon stone

Dosed with Flourish, Flourish Excel, and Flourish Iron


  • 10 Ember tetras
  • 3 Panda corydoras
  • 5 dwarf rasboras
  • Ghost shrimp
  • Nerite snails
  • 1 hitch-hiker bamboo shrimp

Posted in Fish, Frogs, Koi, Pond, Water Garden

Pond pics

I took some pictures of the frogs, fish and pond with a real camera instead of just with my iPhone. The water is staying clear and the fish are doing really well. There are a few comet gold fish and some koi in there. I know that the pond can handle the koi at the size the are right now because they are only three inches but it will only be able to sustain about 3 full grown fish so it looks like I’ll be digging a new, bigger pond next year. It’s a good thing I know exactly where I want to put it.

Posted in Fish, Koi, Pond, Water Garden

My Pond

Here is the pond I’ve been working on this summer. I obviously need to do more with the rocks around the edges. The ones I have here were free. I want to layer flat field stone so it hangs over the water to hide where the black shows but that will have to wait.  It’s about 8 feet long by 6 feet wide and 18 inches deep. It has water hyacinth, curly rush, umbrella palm, dwarf cattail. I have a grass that I’m not sure of the exact name and a red leaf plant that I’m also not sure the name of. I have two comet gold fish and a some koi. There are 3 frogs. (that I’ve counted) The pond is filtered with a 500 gph pump running through a Tetra Biofilter that I added a charcoal layer using mesh bags filled with media. It also has a bell fountain in the center and a fish spitter off to the side so there is no stagnant water. The water is clear and the frogs haven’t left so things are looking good.

I plan to bring the fish and plants in this winter and next spring I’m going to dig down to 36″ so I can winter the fish outside next year.

I’m an experienced fish keeper 15+ years.