Posted in childhood

Catching frogs

When I was a kid the neighborhood where I grew up had a lot of small streams, ponds, etc. We used to love going to these small waterways to catch frogs, crayfish…we even caught a leech once.

Those are honestly some of the best memories of my childhood. You had to walk up slowly. If you moved too fast you’d hear the plop plop plop of all the frogs hopping off the banks into the water to hide. The little leopard frogs were my favorites, but who can forget the 2 pound bullfrogs. You had to hold them with two hands they were so big.

We’d catch crayfish, you had to be careful catching the crayfish because they had pinchers. I got snagged a couple times and it really hurt. You’d put your hand slowly in the water near the tail. Edging closer until you could wrap your fingers around it without getting snapped. Sometimes they’d hear you coming and take off with a snap of the tail and a puff of dirt.

All those little streams and ponds were on other people’s property, but those were the days that no one cared. Now I’m sure someone would shoo us away or call the police on us. It’s sad where the world has gone.